Vitamin D Test


The Vitamin D Test measures the amount of this important nutrient in your blood.

 Vitamin D, like all nutrients, is essential for life. Our bodies need it from our environment (sunlight and food in this case) to function.  Due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective characteristics, it helps the immune system, muscles, and brain cells to work correctly. Although Vitamin D isn't present naturally in many foods, it can be obtained from fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, and fortified milk and cereal.

Higher Vitamin D levels have been linked to improved:

Brain Health

Heart Health

Immune Health and Support

Bone Health


What we measure

Nicknamed the “sunshine vitamin”, direct sunlight turns molecules in your skin into an active form of Vitamin D, allowing your body to produce it as well (calciferol). The quantity of Vitamin D created by your skin can depend on the hour of the day, skin colour and seasonal changes, typically producing less during the winter months.

Many older persons cannot absorb Vitamin D because they are not exposed to sunlight regularly.

 A blood test is the most accurate way to determine your Vitamin D status. If levels fall below 32 ng/mL, a supplement can easily bring them back to optimal levels. Utilising our innovative home-based blood testing kit, we can analyse multiple blood biomarkers to monitor your Vitamin D levels and give you individualised, science-based, quality solutions for your best health or performance.

Did you know?

Getting enough Vitamin D may also play a role in helping to keep you healthy by protecting against the following conditions and possibly helping to treat them, including:

  • Heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • Infections and immune system disorders.
  • Mood swings and depression.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Falls in older people.
  • Colon, prostate and breast cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis

 Without proper Vitamin D intake, your bones can become soft, thin, and brittle and can lead to osteoporosis in some cases. Getting sufficient Vitamin D through proper supplementation may be required if you do not acquire enough Vitamin D from sunlight or dietary sources.

Optimise your vitamin D levels in three easy steps

1 Measure

Exposure to sunlight, eating vitamin D-rich foods and taking supplements does not guarantee that your blood level will be in the desirable range — it must be measured.

2 Modify

Vitamin D test results will give you the information you need to personalise intake.

3 Monitor

Confirm your Vitamin D level has improved with dietary changes by re-testing every 3-4 months.


Order: Choose the test service you would like. The sample collection kit typically arrives in 3 to 5 days.

Collect Sample: Follow the simple kit instructions to collect your blood sample from the comfort of home. Once you collect your sample, mail it back to our lab using the pre-paid envelope.

Get Results: In 2-4 weeks you will receive an email letting you know your personalised results are ready. You'll also get detailed advice with easy-to-understand graphics for your food, exercise, sleep, supplements, and much more. Take action and track your progress to take your health to new heights.