
The Best Tips To Lower Your Stress

The Best Tips To Lower Your Stress 


Managing your stress could be the best health investment you make right now. A few years/decades from now, you will be so thankful that you controlled your stress when it wasn’t too late.

However, with all the mess around us, it can be so difficult to achieve this goal.

In this article, we will cover a few tips to help you manage your stress more efficiently.

Top tips on how to manage stress

Exercise regularly

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), getting regular exercise is the best and cheapest way to reduce stress levels.

This is believed to be mediated via the release of stress-relieving hormones, such as serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine.

Unfortunately, not many people take advantage of this marvelous, easy-to-perform routine.

Eat well

Eating a healthy diet rich in whole, unprocessed food can reduce the release of cortisol in the bloodstream, which is the primary hormone responsible for inducing stress.

Cortisol is the cornerstone of all the damage caused by stress since it exerts its actions on several organ systems.

Sleep well

Fix your sleeping habits and pay close attention to sleep hygiene. Additionally, you must get 7-8 hours of sleep even if it feels like you only need 5 to function.

Chronic sleep deprivation is detrimental to your body and should be avoided at all costs.

Don’t rely on caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine

Whether it’s caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine, all these substances can be very damaging to your body if consumed chronically. Additionally, all three substances have high addictive properties and cause physical and psychological dependence.

Therefore, instead of relying on these substances to reduce your stress, switch to more calm-inducing activities, such as yoga, meditation, and music.

Keep a positive attitude toward life

Bad vibes are the worst!

Always surround yourself with good company and keep negative thoughts out of your life. Think of the positive things you have, and learn to appreciate and be grateful for the life you created.

Also, avoid people who always omit bad vibes since they can be a reason to always feel overwhelmed and sad.

Learn more about the impact of negative people by clicking here (insert link).

Deep breathing

In a 2017 study, researchers concluded that deep breathing can reduce stress, enhance attention span, and improve cognition.

Sadly, many people ignore the benefits of such a simple technique, even though many researchers advocate for its efficacy.

Practice a hobby

Overthinking is your number one enemy! In our day and age, people are overthinking everything; their financial, personal, and emotional situations.

Over time, this could be extremely destructive to the body and may lead to many of the aforementioned complications of stress.

When does overthinking occur? When you have free time.

Therefore, it is crucial to fill your free time with beneficial hobbies, such as playing chess, practicing a sport, or doing yoga/meditation.

Identify your stress triggers

Everyone has their own problems.

Unfortunately, we might get stressed without realizing what’s causing our stress! Your subconscious mind might be alerted by an external factor that you can’t even identify.

For this reason, you should keep a journal and write down everything that happened during that day to narrow down your stress triggers. Once you successfully pinpoint the cause of your stress, eliminate it from your daily routine, if possible.

Spend time with people you love

Talking to someone about how we feel is always a good idea. I mean that’s all we do when we see a shrink.

Gather around people you love. Friends and family are always there to support you when you need them. Express your fears, issues, and the reason you are stressed.

It’s true that our human nature pushes us away from sounding weak; however, you should always have a “safe place”. A person you trust who you can share your darkest secrets with.

Takeaway message

Following the tips we listed above will definitely help you with controlling stress levels.  Hopefully, you will take this matter seriously and dedicate your time to taking control of your stress.

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