
5 Strategies to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels


Testosterone is the primary hormone in males that mediates several functions of the body.

The production of this hormone is complex and involves many glands, hormones, and brain signaling. However, despite the complexity, it is a carefully balanced system that keeps testosterone levels in check.

In this article, we will cover 5 ways to increase testosterone levels, including some products that will kill your testosterone.

Ways to boost testosterone levels

1.     Exercise regularly

Consistent exercise is a fantastic way to boost metabolic pathways that produce insulin-like growth hormone (IGF), human growth hormone (HGH), and testosterone.

In a 2012 review, scientists concluded that people who work out regularly have higher testosterone levels relative to those who don’t.

Interestingly, the elderly population is the most prone age group to low testosterone levels but also benefits the most from the testosterone-boosting effects of exercise.

Additionally, some evidence suggests that obese men who exercise undergo a bigger testosterone surge relative to the one seen with weight loss diets.

2.     Reduce stress

The brain reacts to chronic psychological stress in a similar way to life-threatening physical situations.

From a biological point of view, stress boosts the levels of cortisol, which negatively impacts testosterone levels.

To control your stress, practice anxiolytic activities, such as:

  • Jogging
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Listening to music

To learn more about cortisol, check out this article (insert link).

3.     Take dietary supplements

Vitamin D is an effective agent to boost testosterone levels. Unfortunately, estimates report that nearly half the population of the U.S. is deficient in vitamin D.

In one study, scientists found that supplying your body with 3,000 IU of vitamin D per day leads to a 25% increase in testosterone levels. The results were noted during a period of 12 months.

However, avoid being subject to false ads that promote shady products with no real effectiveness.

4.     Improve your sleep

According to one study, sleeping for 5 hours per night causes a 15% reduction in testosterone levels. Individuals who sleep 4 hours per night are borderline deficient.

The good news is that sufficient hours of sleep will reverse this process very quickly. In other words, once you start getting enough sleep, your testosterone levels will go back to normal.

5.     Avoid the following products

Vegetable Oil

Canola, soybean, and corn are rich in omega-3 (a polyunsaturated fatty acid).

These compounds are beneficial for cardiovascular and brain health. However, they may interfere with testosterone production.


Flaxseed is very rich in healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is also high in lignans, which bind to free testosterone and aids in its excretion.

As a result, there is some research that proposes the negative impact of flaxseed on testosterone.


Excessive alcohol can drop your testosterone levels.

In a study of 19 healthy adults, the intake of 30 grams of alcohol per day can drop testosterone levels by up to 6.8% in just 3 weeks.

Air fresheners

The phthalates contained in air fresheners can significantly disturb your endocrine system and hormone balance.

According to experts, phthalates imitate the action of natural testosterone, which tricks the body into believing that you have sufficient amounts of this hormone. As a result, its production halts, leading to relative deficiency.

Takeaway message

Testosterone is an indispensable hormone for male physiology.  

We hope that this article helped you appreciate the natural ways to boost testosterone.


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